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J3 - Grenada Operations - This page is under construction

G4BKI/J3 from May 2003 to November, 2003 (Frequente and L'Anse aux Epines)
Purchased property in Fort Jeudy, November 2003

J37KF from November 2003 to June, 2004 (L'Anse aux Epines)
Sold  property in Fort Jeudy, January 2008

J37KF from 4 June 2008 to 18 June, 2008 (L'Anse aux Epines)

This operation didn't happen. Had to carry too much to J3 by air and was also too tired to drag all the ham gear from Tampa to Miami to San Juan to Grenada.

Why too tired? At 2am on 2008-06-01 we returned from the UK.

We left Tampa on 2008-05-24, arriving UK on 2008-06-25, driving 320 miles from Gatwick to Carbis Bay, St. Ives, Cornwall.
We did the reverse trip on 2008-05-31.

American Eagle also put too many confines on our carry-on capacity. This meant I had to hand carry cash, my wallet, all electronic devices, etc. from San Juan to Grenada. You have to be kidding......  on top of that the so-called flight was freezing cold and the aeroplane also was very short on repairs (the side panels rattled very badly!).

QSLs received for these operations have been delayed a long time. As far as I know, they have now all been answered.

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