W4/VP9KF |
F:184 A:13 K:3.00 SSN:148 WWV Log | VP9KF, G4BKI & EI6LC | |
Last reload: 2024-12-21 18:27:52Z |
WWV data: 2024-12-21 18:15:04Z |
Data policy |
Version 3.50.377 Addresses problem when starting with Logbook Entry Window closed Version 3.50.376 The PC clock synchronization in Logger32 has been changed from NIST to SNTP Version 3.50.375 Addresses a reported problem with recalculating statistics Version 3.50.374 Addresses a reported problem where ADIF files fail to import STATE/CNTY fields Version 3.50.373 Added new features to the WSJT/JTDX UDP BandMap Version 3.50.370 This version has an option to start WSJT/JTDX set to On-Top. On the UDP BandMap click START (or STOP). Click SETUP SHORTCUTS Version 3.50.369 Addresses a reported problem with UDP BandMap graphics Version 3.50.368 IOTA databases updated Version 3.50.367 Changes made to support WSJT-X 2.0 formatted UDP messages Version 3.50.366 Added features/functions to the UDP BandMap Version 3.50.365 New menu options added to the UDP BandMap Version 3.50.363 Address a reported problem downloading the LoTW users database from Club Log Version 3.50.362 Addresses a reported problem with sending DX Spots with no comments - I didn't know that was allowed Version 3.50.361 Addresses a reported problem of WSJT/JTDX UDP BandMap ToolTips not showing the Want/Need status information Version 3.50.360 For those who need more than 30 characters for DX Spot comments, try the new option on the DX Spot Comments Window Version 3.50.359 Addresses design limitations in the Credit Submitted/Granted database. You will need to recalculate your logbook stats after installing this version Version 3.50.358 Slave receiver support enhanced and moved to a dedicated serial port Version 3.50.357 The Country name of Swaziland will be updated next time you run a Club Log exceptions update Version 3.50.356 Addresses a reported problem with the UDP BandMap 'on-top' menu option Version 3.50.355 Changes made to the DXCC Awards Window to allow users to see Mode specific totals Version 3.50.354 Changes made to the Data Terminal Window to allow the serial port to be used for antenna switching Version 3.50.353 Addresses a reported problem where forwarding DX Spots to an external application does not suppress 'out of band' messages Version 3.50.352 Addresses a reported problem where Club Log validation of users Logbook DXCC entries does not work correctly Version 3.50.351 Addresses a problem where the BandMap menu to DELETE DX SPOT xxxx does not work as expected Version 3.50.347 The Republic of Kosovo will be added to the DXCC Countries list the next time you run a Club Log exceptions update Version 3.50.346 Addresses a reported problem where the antenna switch did not recognize digital sub-modes correctly Version 3.50.345 Changes made to support the new IOTA myqsos.csv file format Version 3.50.343 Change made to support the JTDX implementation of FT8 Version 3.50.341 Addresses a reported problem with callsign/gridsquare highlight colors on the UDP BandMap Version 3.50.340 Three days without a single nasty message about the UDP BandMap implementation. I'm impressed. The feature has been turned back on. Version 3.50.339 For some reason that I do not begin to understand the UDP interface to WSJT-X/JTDX implemented in version 3.50.337 has raised the ire of both users and non-users. The feature has been disabled. With my apologies. Mea culpa. Version 3.50.338 Addresses a reported problem where VK9/M0VFC is incorrectly reported as Mellish reef Version 3.50.337 Added support for the WSJT-X/JTDX UDP interface for QSO logging. Also implemented a new BandMap for WSJT-X/JTDX decoded callsigns. Right click the UDP pane on the lower status bar for options Version 3.50.335 The IOTA website has changed URL from www.rsgbiota.org to www.iota-world.org. The IOTA ACTIVITY menu item (under the UTILITIES menu) has been changed to point to the new address Version 3.50.334 Adds an another row of Macro buttons (for a total of 48) to the Sound Card Data Window, the Radio Control Panels, The Data Terminal Window, and the CW Machine Version 3.50.329 Gridsquare statistics are now kept by year and/or complete Logbook. Please recalculate your statistics after this upgrade Version 3.50.328 eQSL now supports the ADIF defined MODE/SUBMODE fields. Changes made to the eQSL export and eQSL sync processes. We welcome them to the 21st Century. Version 3.50.326 Added digital modes saveur du jour FT8 and T10. Added numerous JT9 submodes Version 3.50.325 The 'Rollback to a previous verson' feature has been improved (so next time I screw up your logbook(s) will be safe :) Version 3.50.324 Addresses reported problem with TCP Server Version 3.50.323 Addresses a reported problem with errors opening the Award Status Window Version 3.50.322 Who knew? VK9MAV (Mellish Reef) is operating from VK4 (Queensland) as VK9MAV/4 Version 3.50.321 The Rainbow edition. The LoTW users highlight feature is now expanded to be LotW user, OQRS user, or both. Whatever turns you on. Version 3.50.320 Added support for ExpertSDR radio control software Version 3.50.318 Enhancements to the LoTW users file from Club Log. Right click on the DX Spot Window. SETUP | LOAD THE LOTW USERS FILE (FROM CLUB LOG) Version 3.50.317 Addresses a reported problem importing QSOs with a MODE of MSK144 Version 3.50.316 Addresses a reported problem with Serbian language date/time conversions Version 3.50.315 Adds ADIF defined MODES/SUBMODES. Adds a Club Log/LoTW synchronization process. UNdeletes Midway and Kure Islands from DXCC (when you next run a Club Log exceptions update). AFTER INSTALLING THIS UPDATE YOU MUST RECALCULATE THE STATS FOR ALL YOUR LOGBOOKS. Version 3.50.314 Under the UTILITIES menu, the option DX ACTIVITY (the Italian 425 DX Bulletin) has changed URL and data format. Changes made to accomodate this Version 3.50.313 Automatically updates the DXCC status of Midway and Kure Islands to 'deleted' when you next run a Club Log exceptions update Version 3.50.312 Addresses a reported problem with disappearing LoTW user highlights on duplicate DX Spots Version 3.50.311 Option added to color highlight, and play audio alerts, for DX Spots not worked for WAZ Version 3.50.310 Addresses a reported problem with incorrect highlight colors on the DX Spot History Window Version 3.50.309 New menus added to right click on DX Spot Window and right click on BandMaps Version 3.50.308 Changes made to IOTA Sync process to support different myqso.csv file formats Version 3.50.307 Addresses a reported problem with the vertical scrollbar not appearing correctly on the DX Spot History Window Version 3.50.305 Option added to color highlight and audio alert DX Spots that match user defined Country/callsign Band/Mode settings Version 3.50.304 User option added to identify LoTW users on the Logbook Page Window. The option is enabled/disabled on either of the two Grid Setup Windows for the Logbook Page Window Version 3.50.303 Change made to accomodate 8 character grid squares when doing LoTW synchronization Version 3.50.302 Under the Comment tab of the Setup DX Spot Blocking Filters Widow, options have been added remove/reduce user self-aggrandizement Version 3.50.299 Small eye candy changes (you'll probably never notice them) Version 3.50.296 User option added to the VUC (Virtual UltraBeam Controller) setup to adjust the minimum frequency increment for the antenna to retune Version 3.50.295 User option added to include 60M in the DXCC Award statistics Version 3.50.294 The latest 2Tone RTTY engine has an auto-correlation feature. Support of this feature is added to the Logger32 2Tone windows Version 3.50.293 Addresses a reported reading data from an ultraBeam controller Version 3.50.292 Addresses a reported problem where radio polling consumes excessive system resources Version 3.50.291 Addresses a problem where DX Spot Window ToolTips momentarily show at the top left of the screen Version 3.50.290 Increases the SMTP connection timeout value (for those using eMail alerts from DX Spots) Version 3.50.288 Address a reported COM port timing related problem for some users Version 3.50.286 Addresses a reported problem with the Icom VFO-B polling macro when using Radio 2 Version 3.50.285 Addresses a reported problem with FT-920 VFO-B Mode detection Version 3.50.284 Adds a VHF/UHF option to the IOTA Award Version 3.50.283 Adds a menu to the DX Spot Window (under SETUP | APPEARANCE) to show DX Spots in chronological order when duplicate filtering is enabled Version 3.50.282 Adds a menu to the Sound Card Data Window to enable/disable automatic Scroll Lock Version 3.50.281 Adds ADIF fields STATE and CNTY to the scratchpad Version 3.50.280 Adds a new macro $CancelScrollLock$ to the Sound Card Data Window Version 3.50.279 Adds an option to delay turning of the rotor when clicking on a DX Spot Version 3.50.278 Addresses a reported problem where files from LoTW have incorrectly formatted GRIDSQUARE data Version 3.50.277 Addresses a reported problem of interaction between DX Spot IOTA and Comments alert highlight colors Version 3.50.276 Prefix TA1 now defaults to Europe Version 3.50.275 Adds an APP_DXSPOT_COMMENT field to the external interface Version 3.50.274 Adds a new menu to Synchronize IOTA credits to the FILE menu Version 3.50.271 Addresses a reported problem with the LoTW synchronization process of the GRIDSQUARE field. Version 3.50.270 Addresses a reported problem with the audio frequency offset menus on the Sound Card Data Window Version 3.50.269 Addresses a reported problem with positioning markers on the maps if the position in within 1 degree of the prime meridian and the PC regional settings use a comma as decimal separator Version 3.50.268 Added new menu to Edit QSO Start/End time to the right click menu on the Logbook Page Window Version 3.50.265 Option added to DX Spot Blocking filters (under the ORIGINATOR tab) to filter RBN DX Spots based on a list originator callsigns Version 3.50.264 Added an option to export logs in ADI format by range of QSO numbers Version 3.50.263 A9 (Bahrain) no longer has the unique IOTA of AS-002. It is removed from the database the next time you do a Club Log update Version 3.50.262 Addresses a reported problem with Awards Windows not being able to locate the correct QSOs in the Logbook Page Window Version 3.50.260 Addresses a reported problem with the QSO Mask importing IOTA fields from previous QSOs Version 3.50.259 Addresses a reported problem with the Kenwood TF-Set macro when using Radio 2 Version 3.50.258 Kingman Reef KH5\K will automatically be flagged as a deleted Country the next time you update Club Log exceptions Version 3.50.257 Addresses a reported problem with CW Machine macros only being sent once Version 3.50.255 Addresses a reported problem with MMTTY FSK keying on Radio 2 Version 3.50.254 Adds $TF-Set$ and $mouseTF-Set$ macros to the CW Machine, Radio Control Panel and Sound Card Data Window. These macros apply to the Kenwood TS-590 and TS-990 Version 3.50.253 Addresses a reported problem with cursor focus on the Data Window Version 3.50.252 Addresses a reported problem with Monitor BandMap ToolTips calculating incorrect distance/headings Version 3.50.251 Adds the capability to automatically rollback to the previous version. Look under the TOOLS menu Version 3.50.250 Changes made to the processing of the Club Log exceptions file to extract additional data Version 3.50.247 Addresses a reported problem with updating of OQRS Bureau/Direct datestamps Version 3.50.246 Addresses a reported problem with hidden fields in the Logbook Entry Window Version 3.50.242 Addresses a reported problem where MMTTY profiles do not change correctly Version 3.50.241 Addresses a problem where the MMTTY transmit status buffer is incorrect Version 3.50.240 Addresses a reported problem with the 'granted' status for the WAS Award Version 3.50.239 Addresses a reported problem with audio channel selection in the MMVARI SO2V Window when switching to Radio 2 Version 3.50.237 Addresses a reported problem where the Add Notes to secected QSO menu was not enabled Version 3.50.234 Addresses a problem showing QSO credits on the WAS Award Version 3.50.233 Changes to the in Continent DX Spot blocking filter so that Callsigns and Comments you have configured to trigger alerts are not blocked Version 3.50.232 Adds new DX Spot blocking filters Version 3.50.231 Code changes to improve the performance of QRZ Lookups Version 3.50.230 Changes to the Notes Window. Previous versions showed the first 100 notes. The Window now shows the most recent 100 Version 3.50.229 Adds the capability of eMailing selected DX Spot alerts. Right click on the DX Spot Window and click SETUP | EMAIL ALERTS Version 3.50.227 Addresses a reported problem with mouse scrolling on the DXCC Awards Window Version 3.50.226 Option added to eQSL Sync process to import gridsquares from eQSL Version 3.50.225 Addresses a reported problem where the 2Tone RTTY Decode Window background color does not default to the Sound Card Data Window background color Version 3.50.224 Addresses a reported problem with HC9 and HD9 prefixes being incorrectly assigned. After installing the update, it is necessary to do a FULL PREFIX SYNCHRONIZATION with Club Log Version 3.50.223 Addresses a reported problem with IOTA not confirmed audio alerts Version 3.50.222 Numerous rotor control enhancements Version 3.50.221 Adds the capability to import/export USER fields as ADIF defined fields. Click the option on the Export ADIF logs window Version 3.50.220 Changes made to the QSL Sync process to allow changes to APP_LOGGER32_QSL field Version 3.50.218 Changes made to the focus handling when typing function keys in the Logbook Entry Window Version 3.50.216 Adds the capability to export personalised ADIF fields. Click the option on the Export ADIF logs window Version 3.50.214 Adds Ultrabeam menus to allow radios (Radio 1 and/or Radio 2) to be selected Version 3.50.212 Addresses a reported problem with OTRSP comm port conflicts Version 3.50.206 Addresses a reported problem starting utilities from .BAT files Version 3.50.205 Menu added to right click in the DX Spot Window that allows the DX Spot callsign to be added to the audio alert list Version 3.50.204 SWL.ADI file can now be automatically deleted. Option is under the FILE menu Version 3.50.203 Support for a slave receiver added to the Echo Port. Click SETUP | RADIO | ECHO PORT CONFIGURATION Version 3.50.200 New options added for split frequency logging. Click the LOGGING FREQUENCY SETUP menu on the Radio Control Panel Version 3.50.199 Changes made so that typing an IOTA number into the IOTA field of the Logbook Entry Window or the IOTA Info window IOTA Search field, it is no longer necessary to type the - Version 3.50.197 Changes to TS-590 support. When in split mode, the XI; command reads VFO-B, when not split, the FB; command reads VFO-B Version 3.50.195 Added $radiocontrolpanelmacronn$ to the Sound Card Data Window and the CW Machine. This provides direct access to the Radio Control Panel Macros (buttons 1 - 36) Version 3.50.190 Changes made to the way QSO start time is saved to the Logger32 INI file Version 3.50.188 Support added for TS-990 DVK Version 3.50.187 Addresses a problem opening the VUC (Virtual UltraBeam Controller) port if the PC does not have a COM1 configured Version 3.50.186 Addresses reported problem with opening Club Log cty.xml file Version 3.50.183 Addresses reported problem with logging CNTY field Version 3.50.181 Addresses reported problem with BandMap right click menus Version 3.50.180 Addresses reported problem with new Icom radio firmware implementation in 3.50.177 Version 3.50.178 Addresses reported problem where the Worked/Confirmed Window does not refresh/paint correctly when initially opened Version 3.50.177 Support added for new Icom IC-7600/7700/7800 firmware Version 3.50.168 Addresses a reported problem with the IOTA Information Window not showing the selected IOTA correctly Version 3.50.167 Addresses a reported problem with the QSL Export selection Window Version 3.50.166 Addresses a reported problem with .CSV file/log export Version 3.50.162 Addresses a reported problem with incorrect band blocking of DX Spots where the originating stations callsign is truncated Version 3.50.161 Addresses a reported problem with CTRL+UPArrow and CTRL+DNArrow not changing BandMap selection up/down the band Version 3.50.160 Option added to export ADIF logs by callsign and/or country Version 3.50.157 Addresses a reported problem with incorrect decoding of J49xxx callsigns Version 3.50.156 Option added to remove unwanted QSL flags set by external applications. Right click a Logbook Entry field. Click SETUP | QSLING | REMOVE EXPORT QSL FLAGS Version 3.50.155 Support added for ADIF log export of STATION_CALLSIGN field Version 3.50.153 Addresses a reported problem with file export and Tracking Window grayline updates Version 3.50.151 Addresses a reported problem where WCY anouncements overwrite WWV announcements in the lower status bar Version 3.50.148 Added $lastloggedName$ macro to the Sound Card Data Window Version 3.50.147 Enhancements to the Radio Echo Port for Icom users Version 3.50.144 Added $lastloggedcallsign$ macro to the Sound Card Data Window Version 3.50.143 Addresses a reported problem where the cursor disappears when editing the Logbook Page window Version 3.50.140 Performance enhancements for users of PowerMate Griffin for frequency control Version 3.50.131 Icom IC-7800 added to list of radios that are SO2V capable for the Sound Card Data Window (each receiver can have different audio channel) Version 3.50.127 Addresses a problem in correctly decoding the Country of the current VK9NW operation from Australia Version 3.50.126 Addresses a reported problem with transferring the free field to the CW Machine Version 3.50.125 Fixes a problem where DX Spot filtering by Bands relative to sunrise/sunset did not work if local sunrise or sunset was 00:00 UTC Version 3.50.124 Addresses a reported problem with incorrect window sizing of the Primary Admin Awards Window Version 3.50.123 Support added for Yaesu FT-991 radio Version 3.50.122 Added macro $veryshorttime$ for digital modes to send the time as HHMM Version 3.50.121 Added a serial port to echo data to/from the primary radio. To configure the port, click SETUP | RADIO Version 3.50.115 New macro 'DX Spot not split' that can be executed after clicking on a DX Spot is added to the Radio Control Panel Version 3.50.112 Changes made to the Kenwood Radio (and those that emulate Kenwood) CAT interface Version 3.50.110 Addresses reported problem with WinKey gap insertion Version 3.50.109 Addresses reported problem with DXCC Challenge column layout Version 3.50.108 Addresses reported problem with CSV file export Version 3.50.107 ToolTip added to the DX Spot Window and BandMaps to show date of last LoTW upload by the DX Station Version 3.50.104 Menu added to TOOLS | AWARDS SETUP to reverse the Award Windows band columns Version 3.50.103 Menu added to allow users to install the full Club Log Prefix list (not just exceptions) Version 3.50.98 Addresses reported problem with CW Machine and WinKey where last character in the text buffer is ' Version 3.50.95 Menus added to the Download LoTW Users Window Version 3.50.90 Code changes to prevent boutique DX Clusters that do not terminate lines of text with a CR & LF from overflowing buffers Version 3.50.89 New option added to the DX tab of the Setup DX Spot Filters Window Version 3.50.88 Changes to the RC2800xx rotor selection Version 3.50.85 ADIF field SOTA_REF added to supported fields Version 3.50.83 Added more options to QSO Mask setup Version 3.50.82 Internal performance enhancements Version 3.50.80 Addresses a reported problem where the BandMap does not correctly follow the band in use Version 3.50.78 Addresses a reported problem with WinKey and $loop$ Macro Version 3.50.75 Addresses a reported problem with the CW Machine (software keying) Version 3.50.73 Change made to floating callsign window to accomodate fonts with caps that extend below the baseline Version 3.50.72 Addresses a reported problem where, under certain conditions, the local sunrise/sunset was calculated incorrectly Version 3.50.70 Updated IOTA databases (changes effective Jan 01, 2015) Version 3.50.56 Introduces new filtering for Skimmer DX Spots. Option is on the DUPES tab of the DX Spot Blocking Filters Window Version 3.50.54 Addresses a reported problem with CTRL+T switching radios when the CW Machine is running Version 3.50.53 Changes to NOAA Update Window. To change the NOAA WWV.txt URL in your INI, correct the URL and close the Window Version 3.50.52 Addresses a reported problem that causes the DX Spot window to open unexpectedly Version 3.50.51 Support added for UltraBeam/Radio 2 (untested) Version 3.50.50 Addresses a reported problem where the Tracking Window does not open when clicking the Logbook Entry Window View DX menu Version 3.50.49 Addresses a reported problem with Duplicate DX Spots and DX Spot Blocking filters Version 3.50.48 A facelift of the Logbook Entry Window Version 3.50.40 Addresses a reported problem with rotor direction not showing on the Tracking Window Version 3.50.39 Addresses a reported problem with the file export dialog window Version 3.50.37 Addresses reported problem with DX Spot persistence on BandMaps and Tracking Window Version 3.50.32 Addresses a reported problem with UltraBeam VUC not detecting 180°pattern Version 3.50.31 Addresses a reported problem with UltraBeam VUC Window width not adjusting correctly Version 3.50.29 Addresses a reported problem with DX Spot Map worked/confirmed colors Version 3.50.27 Addresses a reported problem that causes the DX Spot Window to open unexpectedly Version 3.50.26 Changes to the DUP tab of the DX Spot Blocking Filters Window Version 3.50.20 For more eye candy, look at the new menu options on the Floating Callsign Window Version 3.50.18 Addresses a reported problem where DISTANCE is incorrectly recorded when using the manual entry ADD Window Version 3.50.17 Code changes to enable FT-1000D SO2V Version 3.50.15 Addresses a reported problem with BandMap/Zoom not being remembered on startup Version 3.50.12 New Macro $lasthighlightedcallandlookup$ added to the Sound Card Data Window Version 3.50.9 Addresses reported problem with MMTTY Notch Version 3.50.3 Addresses reported problem with MMTTY not showing CR+LF characters when echoing a transmission Version 3.50.2 Change to CW Machine $speed+$ and $speed-$ Macros Version 3.50.1