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Latest WWV data: 2025-02-16 14:45:04Z

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Amateur Radio Morse Prosigns

BT A Pause or Separator.
AR End of Transmission.
- when you are sending it back to the other station. Can also used at the end when answering a CQ.
SK End of Transmission.
- when you are at the final end of a last transmission of a QSO.
K Go Ahead... Over.
Used when turning it over to another station. Used also after sending CQ.
NOT to be used after just answering a CQ because the other station has not verified contact with you.
KN Go Ahead (Specific Station).
Same as K, but only a specific station and no one else can come back to you.
Ending last QSO and turning off station. No one else to come back or reply ('QRT' often used by many stations).
R (often repeated) Copied last transmission okay - All information Readable.
I E?
Is the frequency in use?

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