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Latest WWV data: 2024-10-22 14:45:04Z

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Your own Spaceweather.ga.ca solar monitor server code using PHP (Current/Forecast for POL/AUR/SUB) WIP!!!
Option 1
 You could do this the super-simple way - no code at all, by using https://spaceweather.ca/forecast-prevision/cond-en.php.
It's important to choose the english language portion. Example: https://spaceweather.ca/auto_generated_products/map-forecast_24-en.png

Option 2
 Use wget in your cron file to fetch these images every 15 minutes or so. This lowers the workload on the server (well, it's constant and a known hit rate) and will give your site faster rendering. Examples:

FreeBSD version
1,16,31,46 * * * * /usr/local/bin/wget --timeout=12 http://www.n3kl.org/sun/images/kpstatus.gif -q -O $YOURDIR/sun/kpstatus.gif; /usr/local/bin/wget --timeout=12 http://www.n3kl.org/sun/images/status.gif -q -O $YOURDIR/sun/status.gif
Linux version
1,16,31,46 * * * * /usr/bin/wget --timeout=12 'http://www.n3kl.org/sun/images/kpstatus.gif' -q -O $YOURDIR/sun/kpstatus.gif; /usr/bin/wget --timeout=12 'http://www.n3kl.org/sun/images/status.gif' -q -O $YOURDIR/sun/status.gif

[where $YOURDIR is the variable set to your chosen directory which was set at the beginning of your cron file]

Caution! Cron and command syntax vary between *NIX versions. Generally these are command locations and options. Check 'man' or search the internet.

Option 3


 v0.01a  Last Updated: 2023-04-03 08:29:35Z

Use the following code (and graphics) that's written here.
Place the following in your cron file:

*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/wget --timeout=15 'ftp://ftp.swpc.noaa.gov/pub/latest/wwv.txt' -q -O /home/$YOURDIR/public_html/sun/wwv.txt;/usr/bin/wget --timeout=15 'ftp://ftp.swpc.noaa.gov/pub/latest/DSD.txt' -q -O /home/$YOURDIR/public_html/sun/dsd.txt;/usr/bin/wget --timeout=15 'https://services.swpc.noaa.gov/json/goes/primary/xrays-6-hour.json' -q -O /home/$YOURDIR/public_html/sun/xray.txt;/usr/bin/wget --timeout=15 'https://services.swpc.noaa.gov/json/goes/primary/integral-protons-6-hour.json' -q -O /home/$YOURDIR/public_html/sun/particles.txt;/usr/bin/wget --timeout=15 'http://www.bartol.udel.edu/~takao/neutronm/glealarm/' -q -O /home/$YOURDIR/public_html/sun/neutrons.txt; /usr/local/bin/ea-php72 -q /home/$YOURDIR/public_html/sun/wwv.php > /dev/null; /usr/local/bin/ea-php72 -q /home/$YOURDIR/public_html/sun/wwv_rss.php > /dev/null

[where $YOURDIR is your chosen directory and the path of your install of PHP is carefully checked (in this case PHP v7.2 is being forced on a shared hosting platform)]. wwv.php and wwv_rss.php extract the data to make WWV figure text file (for embedding in a web page) and to make an RSS feed. Right out of the box.

Brief respite. Here are the graphic files you'll need for the Solar Status system.
Note they contain lowercase and borders to distinguish them from N3KL non-CA graphics.
However, they are 121 x 21 pixels so that they can directly replace existing N3KL page images.

Level K-Index

Level W/m2 X-Ray
I = -1 x 105
I < 10-9
10-9 <= I < 10-8
10-8 <= I < 10-7
10-7 <= I < 10-6
10-6 <= I < 10-5
10-5 <= I < 10-4
10-4 <= I < 10-3
10-3<= I

Level cm-2 s-1 sr-1 Proton
I = -1 x 105
I < 1
1 <= I < 10
10 <= I < 102
102 <= I < 103
103 <= I 

Neutron monitor
Level cm-2 s-1 sr-1 Neutron
I = -1 x 105
I < 1
10 <= I < 102
102 <= I < 103
103 <= I 
To download all of the files at once, do the following in Firefox: Right click within this page. Select View Page Info. Select the Media tab/button. Select all of the propagation image files and press Save As. Save them to a ./sun directory on your local machine.

"WWV/DSD" code: Download this file wwv2_php.txt and rename to wwv.php.
K-Index graphic-changing working correctly.
X-Ray logic and graphic-changing working correctly.
Data recovery and calculation for X-Ray flux working correctly (are there scaling issues from data extracted from a json file?).

RSS code: Download this file wwv_rss2_php.txt and rename to wwv_rss.php. This code requires the file latest_wwv.txt to have been previously made by the running of wwv2.php (renamed to wwv.php). The output file wwv_rss.xml will be made. Insert the RSS graphic  RSS into your web page and let it link to your new WWV feed. Also, if you want automatic feed discovery to occur when browsers go to your page add the following in your HTML <head> area:

  <link href="http://[YOURDomain]/sun/wwv_rss.xml" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="WWV data">

Q: Why do you record seconds in the logfile?
A: Because they're available - logs would be smaller without, but it also keeps a record of how long the data retrieval and processing took.
Q: When was the first public release of the code?
A: not happened yet.
Q: How can I use the logged data?
A: There are no limitations on the data gathered, you may use it for plots.
Q: Are you looking for help?
A: Yes, if anybody has new ideas or improvements, they should contact me.

  GPLv3 Released under GPLv3 Licence.

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